Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And so it begins...

Well. I finally did it. I made a blog. A blog which I hope to keep up to date with the latest happenings and musings of this newlywed girl. {I don't completely have my hopes up yet on actually keeping up with this, but I'm crossing my fingers!}

So here goes. Day 1. The first post. I feel like I should post about something really worthwhile and of utter importance. But, alas, here's what it's going to have to be.

It's official. I'm really and surely living in Wisconsin. I applied for a WI driver's license today. I am going to miss my good 'ole pink Ohio license. I wish I could have kept it for memories' sake. But being shredded was its demise. One bonus: my new picture looks better than my latter! Oh, and it also says my new name: Elizabeth Anne MOORE. That still makes me smile. :)

Another newness that happened today is I found out I will be the assistant teacher for the 3 year olds at Kiddie Kampus instead of the 1's. I'm excited about this change! I will be get to do a lot more actual teaching. I start training sometime next week, and my first day in the class will be August 16th. Still praising Jesus for the blessing of this job!

I believe I have put off my good wifely duties for long enough by searching for blog layouts, getting distracted and looking at adorable digital scrapbooking elements, getting distracted by facebook, and finally starting up this blog. So it's off to do dishes, and tidy up a bit I go.

'Til next time.

Mrs. Moore :)


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